English Language Challenges

One of my favorites class in the school was English, in my school we has classes of English every day and I love it because we talked the whole class and mi teacher was very fun, in the university the classes are a little different but I have enjoyed to, I believe that nowadays learning to speak English is so important, English may not be the most spoken language in the world but is the official language in several countries and also will open up more job opportunities.

I think that the classes of English in the university have been very useful and they are really help me improve my English and I think what has help me the most is writing the blogs, these blog have helped me to write better in English and I believe that write good in English is very necessary because is an international language that allows us to communicate whit people from all over the world, billions of people speak and write English to at least a basic level.

I still have a lot to improve, I think one of the most difficult thing for me is the pronuntation, I think that listening to music and watch series in English can work to improve the pronunciation, but I always believe that the best way to improve or learn English is travel to countries where they speak it, outside the English class I don’t use the English to much, mostly because nobody of my family or friend  know English, but I use it a lot to see my favorites series and listen to music.


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