Hello everyone, today the post is about a very important theme I’m going to write about drug of abuse

Well for star you have to know that I’m not a very obsessive person I have a lot of self-control and I know my limits and when say no so I don’t have problems whit drug abuse, but I know a lot of people that have problems with it .the most popular drug is the marihuana, nowadays it is more difficult to find people who don’t smoke marihuana than people that smoke because know is so common and easy to buy but also I think that depends on how they use the marihuana is they use like a drug or for medical reasons. I´ve never tried any kind of drug only because never caught my attention so I never wanted to try really.

Some of observable effect in a persona that uses drugs is that the most of the time they lose a lot of weight and they look tired. All drugs have both advantages and disadvantages it depends on the drug, the dose, the recipient and even the setting where they were taken I believe that alcohol / methamphetamine / heroin / LSD, depending on your point of view, advantages of being enjoyable, reducing inhibitions, relieving pain, health problems, illegality and so on, It all depends how, where and when they are used and who is using them. After a long time of drug abuse depending on the type drug addiction may cause learning and memory problems, psychosis, Heart failure, etc. 


  1. i feel same as you, i have no develop such kind curiosity to trying LSD or heroin or turn myself into an acoholic... Great post!


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