My Future Job

Hello everyone, it been a while since the last time I write a post, so let´s star, in the next post I am going to write about what I hope will be my future job.

Well first of all I’m studying mayor in pharmacy and what a pharmacists do is dispense prescription medications to patients and offer expertise in the safe use of prescriptions, there are many different areas in which you can dedicate, this is my first year so I’m not very clear in which area I want to dedicate for all my life, but I can imagine more in the hospital area ,this is more like an indoors job and they have to provide compassionate care to hospice patient, work with a health care team of nurses, doctors, social workers, and counselor, I really like this area because you are helping the patient directly and I like that you have contact with others healthcare professionals, I am not sure how much the salary is but I think it 700 Chilean pesos, but the salary is not an important reason for me because if I have to work on something my whole life it has to be something that really likes me. I would like to travel a lot in my job because I want to know what a pharmacist does in others countries.

So that is how I imagine my future job that is all goodbye!!


  1. working in a hospital have a lot of responsabilities but also is kind of fun!


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