
Hello everybody, hope you have a nice day, so today I’m going to tell you something about my hobby

Well for start I’m not a person who has too many hobbies in fact I think I have just one hobby and that is playing volleyball, so volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules, I have been playing since I have ten years old in the team of my old school and even when I’m not going there anymore I’m still plays whit them and is important for me keep playing because is the only time when I can relax and at the same time I can I have fun whit my friends.

I remember when I was a kid it was very different than now I had so many hobbies like: dancing, playing football, I love drawing eve when it wasn’t a piece of arte, etc. For me hobbies it´s an activity that someone do for fun and because she or he wants to do it and not for obligation
I don’t know if there is a hobby I would never do, probably cook because I don´t like it and I’m very bad at it. In the future I would like to do more sport or something that has to do whit helping animals, because I love them.

So that is all I have for you today and hope you liked it. 


  1. Volleyball is a good sport, I always wanted to try it but I was smaller than my classmates, I hope you can continue with your hobby in the future, good luck.

  2. As a child I also practiced a lot of sports (required by school) and the truth were all very entertaining!


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