The Best Holidays

Hello everybody, welcome to my blog again well today I will write about the best holiday I ever had.

So holiday for me is the most important thing in the entire world I can't imagine not having them during the year even if I just stay in my home, the most memorable of all was the one I had the last year in Brazil, I always remember that holidays i went with all my family and my sister´s boyfriend, I think we stayed like for two week, one in Rio de Janeiro and the other in Buzios, we did so many so many things in those two week , I will never forget when we went to swim with dolphins or when we went on a boat trip and stopped in the middle of the sea and lets us swim, that was awesome y remember that day I end up so tired.

Probably the only thing I didn’t like so much was that at the night it was very hot and I couldn’t sleep well. These holidays have been the best so far because was an opportunity to know another country and another culture different from ours and the best of all was that I was with the people I love the most.


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