
English Language Challenges

One of my favorites class in the school was English, in my school we has classes of English every day and I love it because we talked the whole class and mi teacher was very fun, in the university the classes are a little different but I have enjoyed to, I believe that nowadays learning to speak English is so important, English may not be the most spoken language in the world but is the official language in several countries and also will open up more job opportunities. I think that the classes of English in the university have been very useful and they are really help me improve my English and I think what has help me the most is writing the blogs, these blog have helped me to write better in English and I believe that write good in English is very necessary because is an international language that allows us to communicate whit people from all over the world, billions of people speak and write English to at least a basic level. I still have a lot to improve, I think one o

Changes To My Study Programme

Hello again to my blog, so today I bring you a new post and is about some changes that could be made to my study programme. So I believe that in this university the curriculum of pharmacy is one of the best of the country, this is why I choose the Universidad de Chile I think they don’t focus in only one area, they try to form a complete professional, but sometimes I think that in the first years of career there are some subject that are not too necessary. In this university the pharmacy career last five and a half years and sometimes I think that is too many years and that is not only in my carrier or in this university I think that in this country the professional’s carriers last too long. In the Universidad de Chile there is a heavy workload and is necessary learn how to manage your time and organize all your duties, I think if you try to do that it will not make you heavier or harder to comply whit all your stuff, sometime the faculty facilities help you to study like the

Summer Holidays

Hello everyone welcome to my blog again, so the post of today is about my plans or ideas four these summer holiday  So on these summer holidays I’m not sure what I will do with my family, but what I do know is that on this vacations my friends and I will go on vacation to La Serena, the father of a friend lives there and he invited us to spend two week with him , I’m so excited, there´s so many things that you can do there, one of the places I would like to visit is Valle del Elqui, it is so rare that I have been in la Serena but I never visited el valle del elqui before, people say that I such a spiritual and peaceful place.  Another place I would like to visit is the observatory, I went with my father when I was little and I just love it, you have to go during the night and it is so amazing because you can see planets and a lot of shooting stars, the whole sky looks so beautiful. There are so many activities that you can do, obviously most of the time I will swim in the sea
Hello everyone, today the post is about a very important theme I’m going to write about drug of abuse Well for star you have to know that I’m not a very obsessive person I have a lot of self-control and I know my limits and when say no so I don’t have problems whit drug abuse, but I know a lot of people that have problems with it .the most popular drug is the marihuana, nowadays it is more difficult to find people who don’t smoke marihuana than people that smoke because know is so common and easy to buy but also I think that depends on how they use the marihuana is they use like a drug or for medical reasons. I´ve never tried any kind of drug only because never caught my attention so I never wanted to try really. Some of observable effect in a persona that uses drugs is that the most of the time they lose a lot of weight and they look tired. All drugs have both advantages and disadvantages it depends on the drug, the dose, the recipient and even the setting where they we

Post Graduate Studies

Hello and welcome to my blog again, so in this new post I will write about a post graduate studies I would like to do after I finished my career.  Like I said before I am studding a mayor in pharmacist and when I finish it I would like to continues studding and do a post graduate and to begin I would like to do a Master’s degree because I think that postgraduate study will improve their career prospects, also believe that is a good possibility for c hance to pursue an undergraduate subject at a more advanced level . I would like to study a master that is related with my career like a master in pharmaceutical science or pharmacology but also I would like to study a master a master´s degree that can complement with my future work like a master in economy or management control.  I think if a had the possibility to choose where to study a master I would choose to go abroad because you will be exposed to a new study environment, learning and teaching methods as well as academics wh

My Future Job

Hello everyone, it been a while since the last time I write a post, so let´s star, in the next post I am going to write about what I hope will be my future job. Well first of all I’m studying mayor in pharmacy and what a pharmacists do is dispense prescription medications to patients and offer expertise in the safe use of prescriptions, there are many different areas in which you can dedicate, this is my first year so I’m not very clear in which area I want to dedicate for all my life, but I can imagine more in the hospital area ,this is more like an indoors job and they have to provide compassionate care to hospice patient, work with a health care team of nurses, doctors, social workers, and counselor, I really like this area because you are helping the patient directly and I like that you have contact with others healthcare professionals, I am not sure how much the salary is but I think it 700 Chilean pesos, but the salary is not an important reason for me because if I have to w


Hello everybody, hope you have a nice day, so today I’m going to tell you something about my hobby Well for start I’m not a person who has too many hobbies in fact I think I have just one hobby and that is playing volleyball, so volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules, I have been playing since I have ten years old in the team of my old school and even when I’m not going there anymore I’m still plays whit them and is important for me keep playing because is the only time when I can relax and at the same time I can I have fun whit my friends. I remember when I was a kid it was very different than now I had so many hobbies like: dancing, playing football, I love drawing eve when it wasn’t a piece of arte, etc. For me hobbies it´s an activity that someone do for fun and because she or he wants to do it and not for obligation I don’